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receeve finansiering i såddfasen ledd av Seaya Ventures

Seaya Ventures ledde receeve:s finansieringsrunda, med deltagande från 14W och befintliga investerare Mangrove, Speedinvest och Seedcamp, för att täcka 13,5 miljoner USD i såddfinansiering för att göra det möjligt för receeve att växa ytterligare.

Utvalda medier:

Speedinvest Blog
Owning the Debt Collection Lifecycle : Our Investment in re:ceeve]
Hamburg’s re:ceeve increases seed funding to $13.5 million

Seaya Ventures
re:ceeve increases seed funding to $13.5M led by Seaya Ventures to consolidate its leadership as the end-to-end collections automation platform in Europe

re:ceeve increases seed funding to $13.5M

Deutsche Startups
StudySmarter sammelt 15 Millionen ein – Receeve bekommt 13,5 Millionen – Upvest sammelt 4 Millionen ein
Das war diese Woche (sonst noch) in der Fintech-Branche los

Seaya Ventures despega en Europa con tres inversiones en cinco meses

Gründerszene / Business insider
Hamburger Inkasso-Startup schließt Seed-Runde ab

Om receeve GmbH

receeve is a cloud-native platform that enables your in-house collections teams to take a technology-first approach to resolving overdue claims while supporting the customer experience. Our AI-driven approach drives efficiencies and results end-to-end across the collections & recovery ecosystem. The no-code platform’s seamless experience is built on an innovative foundation of technology and behavioral science. In-house organizations are empowered to quickly and easily automate processes, and apply insights for maximum recovery across the entire credit management value chain – from collections to portfolio assignment and/or sale.

We don’t believe that it makes sense to give away the most important relationship: that with your customers to third-parties. The interests of your customers are not aligned with third-party collections agencies; why throw away the hard-won relationship and all the effort you invested into building it? Our approach sees our software and collections processes as a part of customer service, driving a win:win solution for both our clients and their customers.


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