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An effective case manager for debt collections

When using receeve as a case manager for debt collections, you get a 360° view of customer and claims data on one dashboard. Enable your team to prioritise more complex cases and provide a better agent experience - all with our platform.

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Hexagon Solution

Measurable Outcomes


Reduction in total call volume


 Increase in kept promises to pay


 Higher recovery in late collections

Case Manager Snipets
  • Role-based

    receeve gives you a comprehensive view of all customers and claims data on one dashboard.

  • Claim to Account

    Matching for debt recovery assessments.

  • Resolve or Escalate

    Decide when and how to take action on cases faster, with simplified approval and flagging.


Talking about debt is tough.
Make sure your customer & your team are on the wavelength.

Understand when & how to tackle difficult conversations

receeve helps you understand the full context of each case before you reach out to the debtor.

Segment cases data based on credit risk

Expand your agent’s time with flexible automation.

Add a human touch to  higher priority cases

Make sure customers who need that human approach the most actually get it.

Unlock up to 60% cost savings.
Make your debt collections tick like clockwork.

Keep more of the profit pie without relying on third parties - all while preserving customer relationships.

Don't miss out any longer.

How a case manager for debt collections helps your business succeed

Debt collection is a challenging industry - one that requires a meticulous yet delicate approach. To help businesses manage complex processes, a case manager for debt collections can be used - and once it is, many companies find that it plays an indispensable role in driving increased collection rates. Next, we'll explore the different ways in which a case management platform like receeve can help businesses collect monies owed, and take another step on their journey towards success.

The processes involved in debt case management

The debt collection process begins when a loan or credit line becomes delinquent. At this point, a case manager for debt collections - whether human or a software solution like receeve - steps in to handle the situation and takes action to recover the outstanding amount. These steps usually include - amongst others - collecting and verifying debtor information, initiating contact with the debtor, and negotiating payment arrangements.

Companies can also use software solutions like receeve to optimise as well as automate their processes, streamlining their workflows and improving their efficiency, allowing them to handle more cases and recover more debt.

How a case manager for debt collections help with debt management

A case manager for debt collections is responsible for strategising and implementing debt recovery plans. That being the case, both industry professionals and solutions like receeve can analyse debtor behaviour to manage cases and devise effective debt collection strategies that conform to the relevant laws and regulations.

Moreover, good case managers can analyse debtors' financial situations and predict their repayment behaviour. This predictive analysis helps them tailor their collection strategies to individual debtors, resulting in higher recovery rates.

How a case manager for debt collections help with record-keeping & regulatory compliance

Solid record-keeping is an important pillar that supports sound debt collection operations. A case manager - whether a person or a piece of technology - can help by maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of all collection activities, including communications with debtors, payment plans, and recovered debts. Accurate record-keeping also serves a dual purpose by not only documenting transactions but also substantiating adherence to relevant debt collection regulations, making it a crucial debt management process. Software tools are particularly valuable here as they can gather and archive records and details automatically, quickly, and without introducing human error.

The importance of user-friendliness

User-friendliness is crucial in debt collections. For a software-based case manager for debt collections to be widely adopted by both debtors and collection teams, user-friendliness is essential. If this user-friendliness isn't delivered, usage rates (and likely recovery rates. too) will drop as people seek to avoid using software with a poor user experience design. However, with a user-friendly platform like receeve, debtors can review their account status and complete payments effortlessly. These measures contribute to a better experience for all parties involved, which can enhance your success rate considerably.

The importance of effective communication in debt collections

Effective communication is key in debt collections. Case managers must communicate clearly and empathetically with debtors, explaining their situation and discussing possible solutions. On top of this, good communication also helps to build trust, making debt recovery a smoother and more efficient process. The team at receeve are highly aware of this, and we made sure that the solution we developed delivered in this area.

A case manager for debt collections plays a critical role in helping businesses succeed in their debt recovery efforts. By managing processes, clients, and records effectively, and ensuring regulatory compliance, they can significantly improve a debt recovery operation’s success rate and bottom line.