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receeve financement en phase d'amorçage mené par Seaya Ventures

Seaya Ventures a mené le tour de table de receeve, avec la participation de 14W et des investisseurs existants Mangrove, Speedinvest et Seedcamp, pour un montant total de 13,5 millions de dollars en financement d'amorçage afin de permettre à receeve de poursuivre sa croissance.

Presse en vedette :

Speedinvest Blog
Owning the Debt Collection Lifecycle : Our Investment in re:ceeve

Hamburg’s re:ceeve increases seed funding to $13.5 million

Seaya Ventures
re:ceeve increases seed funding to $13.5M led by Seaya Ventures to consolidate its leadership as the end-to-end collections automation platform in Europe

re:ceeve increases seed funding to $13.5M

Deutsche Startups
StudySmarter sammelt 15 Millionen ein – Receeve bekommt 13,5 Millionen – Upvest sammelt 4 Millionen ein

Das war diese Woche (sonst noch) in der Fintech-Branche los

Seaya Ventures despega en Europa con tres inversiones en cinco meses

Gründerszene / Business insider
Hamburger Inkasso-Startup schließt Seed-Runde ab

À propos de receeve GmbH

receeve is a cloud-native platform that enables your in-house collections teams to take a technology-first approach to resolving overdue claims while supporting the customer experience. Our AI-driven approach drives efficiencies and results end-to-end across the collections & recovery ecosystem. The no-code platform’s seamless experience is built on an innovative foundation of technology and behavioral science. In-house organizations are empowered to quickly and easily automate processes, and apply insights for maximum recovery across the entire credit management value chain – from collections to portfolio assignment and/or sale.

We don’t believe that it makes sense to give away the most important relationship: that with your customers to third-parties. The interests of your customers are not aligned with third-party collections agencies; why throw away the hard-won relationship and all the effort you invested into building it? Our approach sees our software and collections processes as a part of customer service, driving a win:win solution for both our clients and their customers.

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