Dunning process best practices consist of being adaptable to a situation and creating bespoke solutions. Payment holidays, payment plans or early payment incentives as nudges are forward-thinking ways of delivering a positive experience in connection with a negative situation.
TransUnion, a global information and insights company, and receeve, an all-in-one platform for collections and recovery, proudly announce a strategic partnership to deliver increased collections autonomy and profitability through AI-powered insights and strategy optimisation, all seamlessly integrated into the receeve platform.
People are naturally resistant to change. After all, it is far easier to stick with the same processes and tools instead of having to relearn everything from scratch. But this approach could be actively hurting your collections success.
Traditional collections methods are no longer sufficient in driving successful collections. Using digital marketing metrics like email delivery rates and CTRs can refine your strategy, reduce DSO, and improve customer relationships. At receeve, we use AI to make collections more efficient and customer-focused. Discover how our platform can transform your approach.