We met up with Denys, one of our Senior Software Developers, to ask him 10 very important questions. He was one of the first employees at receeve and a great member of the team.

Lisez l'interview pour en savoir plus...

  1. What are you doing at receeve?
    I am solving software-related tasks (mostly Backend/DevOps).

  2. Where are you located?

  3. How did you end up at receeve?
    I met Michael, our CTO and Co-founder, accidentally at HackerX.

  4. Why did you choose to work for re:ceeve and why working in collections?
    I liked the founders, colleagues and the product of receeve.

  5. What is your morning routine before starting your work?
    It varies every day, but coffee is always nice to have!

  6. Do you prefer remote work or going to the office?
    I am fine with both, but if I had to decide remote work wins.

  7. Why working in a Start-up?
    I am glad to be part of a team that grows a company which solves the right problem.

  8. How does your perfect “Feierabend” (German term for time in the evening after work) look like?
    I like to do very different things on my Feierabend. For example doing some research on topics I am interested in at the moment, just relaxing or doing sports and outside activities.

  9. With whom of the company would you like to switch jobs for one day?
    Beside IT, I find Recruiting, Marketing and also Sales very interesting.

  10. Who would you like to nominate for the next interview?

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Anneke Jacobi
Icône LinkedIn

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