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Buy Now Pay Later

receeve - debt collection software for BNPL providers

Empowering Buy Now Pay Later providers to optimise collections and enhance customer experiences in the fast-paced world of modern commerce.

Buy Now Pay Later
Debt Collection Agencies

Performance metrics

Buy Now Pay Later

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Measurable Outcomes


Measurable Outcomes

  • 40%

    Increase in total digital collections

  • 3x

    Boost in digital instalment plan adoption

  • 5 Million+

    High converting content pieces distributed

key Features

Why is debt collection software for BNPL providers needed?

Benefits for Buy Now Pay Later

  • No-code

    Build debt collection strategies tailored for specific credit segments.

    Zero IT support needed.

  • Cloud-native

    Born in the cloud & built with scalability in mind. Access new features without waiting for upgrades or suffering disruptive downtime. Reduce costs and gain control.

  • Integrations

    Enable the real-time flow of information between systems, applications and devices to improve insights, recovery time and recovery rates.

Two Hexagons

Why is debt collection software for BNPL providers needed?

The rise of Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) services is transforming the financial landscape. While it offers numerous benefits for consumers and retailers, it brings new challenges for debt collection. To tackle this, we’ve outlined how debt collection software for BNPL providers can meet those challenges through AI-powered insights. Let's take a look.

1: Enhanced debt collection strategies and processes

Streamlined communication channels with customers

Debt collection software for BNPL providers can help businesses improve their debt collection strategies by improving communication with customers. Our platform provides an integrated solution to manage all customer interactions, ensuring consistency and efficiency in communication. It enables providers to send timely and personalised notifications, reminders, and updates. This fosters a transparent relationship with the customer, proven to increase the likelihood of repayment. Additionally, it facilitates two-way communication, allowing customers to raise queries or concerns, ultimately enhancing customer service."

More proactive debt collection through automation

Automation can be a game-changer for debt collection strategies. With debt collection software for BNPL providers, companies can automate a wide range of repetitive and monotonous processes, which could include anything from sending reminders, to escalating overdue accounts to the next level of collection. Automation not only increases efficiency, it also reduces the risk of human error, and ensures more proactive debt collection,  - helping providers to keep track of all accounts and act on them promptly.

Personalised repayment plans based on customer preferences

Every customer's financial situation is unique, and this needs to be considered when formulating repayment plans. Debt collection software for BNPL providers allows for the creation of personalised repayment plans, and it can analyse customer data to understand their payment capacity and preferences. These capacities make it highly adept at designing bespoke payment plans, and this individualised approach can improve debt recovery rates and enhance customer satisfaction.

2: Increased operational efficiency and scalability

Reduction of manual tasks and paperwork through automation

One of the main advantages of implementing debt collection software for BNPL providers is the significant reduction of manual tasks and paperwork needed to be done by your team. As mentioned, automation can help collections teams spend more of their time focusing on improving rates of recovery, but that isn't the only benefit.

By automating repetitive tasks like sending reminders, updating customer information, and tracking payment progress, debt collection software for BNPL providers can make your commercial processes more efficient. This means no more sifting through stacks of documents or wasting time on manual data entry. Our platform automatically updates and organises data, ensuring accuracy and easy access.

Improved resource allocation and productivity

Our debt collection software for BNPL providers is designed to optimise resource allocation and productivity. By automating routine tasks, your team can concentrate on the critical work that requires human intuition and expertise, and “collect smarter, not harder”.

With receeve at their disposal, your employees can achieve higher collection rates, improve customer satisfaction, and contribute more significantly to your company's bottom line.

Scalable software solutions to accommodate growth

As your BNPL business expands, your debt collection strategies and processes need to grow with it. That's why scalability needs to be a crucial feature of any robust debt collection software system,  and why receeve was built to deliver it. So with our platform, the next time your business grows, you can carry on with business as usual, safe in the knowledge that receeve can scale up to accommodate your growth, meaning you can continue to collect debts efficiently and effectively.

3: Assistance with regulatory compliance matters

Ensuring compliance with legal requirements and industry regulations

For BNPL providers, staying on top of changing regulatory landscapes can be challenging. Debt collection software for BNPL providers is designed to alleviate these challenges. The software is equipped with features that automatically update in line with regulatory changes, ensuring continuous compliance. This proactive approach to compliance management reduces the risk of financial penalties and enhances brand integrity.

Management of collection practices in accordance with consumer protection laws

In the BNPL industry, consumer protection is of paramount importance, - and debt collection software for BNPL providers can be instrumental in managing collection practices in accordance with consumer protection laws. By automating communication and implementing personalised repayment plans, our platform helps you to ensure that your collection practices are fair and respectful, prioritising customer satisfaction and retention.

Audit trails and documentation to support regulatory compliance efforts

An essential feature of debt collection software for BNPL providers is its capacity to create extensive audit trails and documentation. This function bolsters regulatory compliance by recording all collection practices, promoting transparency and accountability, and providing the necessary evidence to demonstrate adherence to established standards.

Downloadable resource

Learn how receeve is empowering leading Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) providers to deliver improved debtor outreach and optimised collections performance.

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